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High performance sports management!

Innovative simplified and methods!
Monitor and monetize the management of a Federation or a sport club using advanced live administration tools.

SuperSport is a platform 100% designed and developed by Caltec to simplify, consolidate, automate and improve the treatment of vital data and turn it into useful information.

Automate and easily track all of your sport club or federations data such as the registration of athletes and non-athletes, medical data, curriculum vitae, transfers between clubs or associations, rankings, disciplinary actions, fees, etc. Use simple requests to produce user ID cards, letters, emails, and any other printed document.

Automatically produce and send detailed information about athletes, ranking, events, results, etc. directly to the right people including the press and sponsors. With SuperSport you get all competitive edge you need! SuperSport is a platform 100% designed and developed by Caltec to simplify, consolidate, automate and improve the treatment of vital data and turn it into useful information.